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I asked her! She said Yes!!!

Today I asked Sara to be my wife!!

I tried to think of everything ‘out’ of this world to do, but nothing seemed ‘US’ , so after weeks, and months of deliberations I finally decided to simply propose in the first place that I met her, with a few lovey dovey songs in the background.

We first met in the parking lot of the old Ames/Job Lot, now Tractor Supply Store in Griswold Connecticut.  She drove there, I drove there, she put her fingerprints on the back of my car and then called her mom to let her know I didn’t appear to have any major malfunctions. (or so she thought!!)…Fast forward 8 years.

It is Christmas Eve, and we were headed to my mothers.  I told her my sister texted and asked me to get some paper plates, so we stopped there and I had her run into Dollar Tree to grab the plates.  While she was in there, I set the music up that I had queued, and placed some roses on her seat.  I waited for her to come out, and she looked at me like I was on crack.  I got down on one knee, and asked her to be my wife.  That place  started our Journey.


I am so ecstatic !!!! I love her!!!